05 June 2019
Bumthang observes world Environment Day at Chamkhar town. As per of the celebration following activities were carried out:
- Opened the Bhutan Power Corporation mini park at Garpang to public.The park will contribute to the Dzongkhag vision of Beautiful Bumthang.
- Inaugurated the waste segregation initiatives towards Beautiful Bumthang.Residents will henceforth have segregate waste into wet(Kitchen) and dry waste.
- Opened the waste collection routes with clear collection points and timings.
- Displayed the products made from waste.Products are made by students of Jakar Higher Secondary School,Wangdicholing Lower Secondary School,Zangtherpo Lower Secondary School,Member of community Based Support Services(CBSS) and RENEW.
- Staged two short skits on waste management to educate the people about waste management.
- Conducted a 12 Kms mountain bike race.A total of 13 bikers including 2 female bikers paricipanted.Cash prizes were awarded to winners.