09 July 2024

On July 9, 2024, the Dasho Dzongdag's Chamber hosted a Tashi Khadar ceremony to honor the promotion of Mr. Dophu and Mr Sangay Tshering from Vice Principal to Principal through rigorous selection interviews.   Dasho also awarded Tashi Khadar to Mr. Jambay Dorji, DLO for his Specialist promotion.
This event is significant for all, reflecting their dedication, leadership, and contributions to the educational fraternity and service in promoting livestock.
The event commenced with a soul searching oration by the Dasho, who highlighted the importance of leadership in education, Students health and wellbeing and students’ safety. The Dasho also highlighted on raising substance abuse amongst youth. “School leaders are bestowed with sacred responsibilities to prevent individual children from not falling into the substances”.  
 The event was organized by the education sector in collaboration with the Dzongkhag Administration.