10 June 2024

Potato marketing and auctioning awareness Campaign was conducted for Bumthang Dzongkhag. This initiative was organized by FCBL in collaboration with the Royal Securities Exchange of Bhutan Limited and the Department of Agricultural Marketing & Cooperatives.

The campaign was chaired by Dasho Dzongdag and attended by Dzongkhag Tshogdue Thrizin and Gups along with Gewog and Dzongkhag agriculture officials. The primary objectives of the campaign are as follows. 

Key points covered during the campaign included:

•    Educating the officials on timely potato arrivals to ensure fair prices.
•    Establishing auction timelines for each district.
•    Raising awareness about the negative effects of hoarding potatoes.
•    Promoting the delivery of only cured potatoes to auction yards to maintain quality.
•    Empowering farmers with information for making informed marketing decisions.
•    Highlighting the benefits of the online auction platform.

FCBL expressed the Dzongkhag and Gewogs for the unwavering support and Dasho cooperation Dzongdag and Gewog Thrizins and all the participants for their unwavering support and cooperation.