Fri, 26 July 2024
Fri, 26 July 2024

On July 26, 2024, the Dzongkhag Scouts Association of Bumthang enthusiastically joined the nation in celebrating the 25 years of scouting in Bhutan on the theme; “Honoring the Past, Inspiring the Future”. Over 150 scouts from 12 schools gathered at Zangtherpo Primary School to mark the occasion. It was a moment to recognize the dedicated schools and scouts masters for carrying out robust scouting in their respective schools. Tang central school is recognized for its robust scouting programs, while three scoutmasters from the school were awarded certificates for their exceptional contributions to scouting in both the school and the dzongkhag.

Additionally, Lopen Dechen Norbu, a scout master of Kharsat primary school was also recognized for his contribution. The day was graced by Dasho Dzongrab and Khenpo from Tamzhing. Dasho in his speech reminded the scouts how scouting can mold oneself. He also reflected on his school days as a scout and how scouting shaped him into the person he is today. Finally, Dasho reminded all the scouts to be always thankful towards our great monarchs for their selfless service for the country and the people The day was marked with a carnival of cultural items highlighting the unique culture and customs of Bumthang and journey of scouting in Bhutan. It was a feast to the eyes and the insight to the soul. Happening only in Bumthang, monks of Peling Central School in Tamzhing monastery are scouts. They also joined their scout friends in celebrating the silver jubilee of scouting in Bhutan. The program was organized by the Dzongkhag Scout Association with financial support from the Dzongkhag administration.

(Reported by Gyeltshen Dorji, VP Wangdicholing LSS)