Dzongkhag Election sector, Bumthang
An Independent Election Management Body under the leadership of Dzongkhag Election Authority.
- Conduct Free and Fair Election on Parliamentary Election, Local Government Election, Bye-Election and Vacant Demkhong Election in the Dzongkhag
- Mature Partnership with other Dzongkhag sectors and Regional Offices within
- A roster of professional and reliable election officials on call at all the times
- Maintains voter friendly to deliver the electoral services
- Dynamic and independent decision-making and management system in the Dzongkhag level
- Research for Informed decision
- Optimum ICT enable electoral system
- Strong civic and voter education programme in the Dzongkhag
- Clear, Consistent and precise By-Laws
- A credible Electoral Roll for the Dzongkhag
- Carry out any electoral activities in an unbiased, professional and truthful manner
- Well-trained, competent and confident team motivated to serve at any and all times
- Taking full responsibility and standing answerable for its decisions and actions
- Engaging with all stakeholders and carrying out the electoral process and operations in the most transparent manner
- Deserving of the confidence and trust of all voters and others stakeholders for the consistent high standard of its services
- Upholds the principles of Equality, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action and Rule of Law as enshrined in the Constitution and Electoral Laws
- Operate freely in its own best judgment without any interference