
In order to promote professionalism and customer care services, the Dzongkhag has identified the following as core values: 

Honesty and Integrity
The officials should demonstrate highest integrity, honesty and discipline while discharging the services. 

Customer Care Services 
The DCRC should be prepared to respond to the needs of the general public by providing high quality, prompt and reliable services. A people friendly approach should be promoted. 

Team Work 
The DCRC should promote cohesive and affirmative inter-personal relationship amongst the officials and be responsive to the needs of the clients.


The following are the objectives of the Sector:

  1. To Conduct Annual Census.
  2. To Transfer Census.
  3. To Process Citizen/SRP Card for first time and CID/SRP Renewal.
  4. To Change Information.
  5. Issue Household information.
  6. To Process Naturalization.
  7. To enhance efficiency and effectiveness of public service delivery.
  8. To implement National Integrity and Anti-corruption Strategy.
  9. To collect and submit information in a timely manner.




Attachment Size
Birth-Registration-Form-BCRS-BR-01.pdf 1.18 MB
Information-on-Birth-BCRS-IB-01.pdf 234.87 KB
Statement-of-Guarantor-BCRS-BR-GS-01.pdf 691.55 KB
Naturalization_Regularization-Form-BCRS-CR-01.pdf 1.68 MB
New-CID_SR-Card-Application-Form-BCRS-CID_SRC-01.pdf 1.55 MB
New-CID_SR-Card-Application-Form-BCRS-CID_SRC-02.pdf 967.02 KB
Replacement-of-CID_SR-Card-Application-Form-BCRS-CID_SRC-REP-01.pdf 1.51 MB
Name-Change-Age-Correction-Application-Form-BCRS-NCAC-01-Copy.pdf 1.44 MB
BCRS-VR-Move-In-Move-Out-01.pdf 1.26 MB
BCRS-Move-In-Move-Out-02.pdf 1.51 MB
BCRS-Move-In-Move-Out-01.pdf 1.59 MB
Individual-Information-Updation-Form-BCRS-CI_SRI-DS01.pdf 1.5 MB
Change-of-HoH-Application-Form-BCRS-HOH-01-1.pdf 1.61 MB
No-Objection-Letter_HOH.pdf 829.11 KB
Household-Information-Nationality-Certificate-Application-Form-BCRS-HI_NC-01.pdf 1.43 MB
Death-Registration-Form-BCRS-DR-01.pdf 1.78 MB
Statement-of-Death-Form-BCRS-DR-SD-01.pdf 253.36 KB
BR_Tshogpa statement.pdf 121.88 KB
